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10bet review

Location: Hörsaal C2, Universität Wien Campus, Austria
Date: September 26-27, 2024
Chairs: Alexander Mürmann 10bet review(WU Vienna), Josef Zechner (WU Vienna)


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Emilio Jalil Lohi Voting Premium Changes under ESG Preference Shocks
Nils Kerwien Insider Trading and Managerial Compensation
Kristóf Reizinger The Impact of Capital Gains Tax on Retail Trading Strategies
Pan Yiming Dissecting intangible value factor
Elizabeth Rinde Life Insurance Ownership and Private Equity
Aron Bodisz Market Oracles: How Accurately Do Liquidity Providers Predict Future Prices in Decentralized Exchanges?
Yuan Chen Large-scale portfolio allocation with robust correlation
Zhou Ren Expectation of the Treasury Convenience Yield
September 27, 2024
Matthias Reiner Intermediary Risk and Monetary Policy
Thi Thuy Dung Phung Do natural disaster events 10bet casino reviewaffect retail investors’ behaviors?
Tanja Brieden Maturity Transformation and (Un-)Realized Interest Rate Risk
in the Cross-Section of US Banks
Florian Weinlich M&A Boom and Goodwill Impairments: Revaluation of Peer Firms
Bogdan Stankovski Short Selling Activity Around FOMC Announcements


This annual conference provides students with the opportunity to present their research and progress to the entire VGSF faculty and receive valuable insights and feedback.